Friday, June 8, 2012

The Booster Club is Back!!!

A meeting was held June 5, called by the new head band director, Tim Grace. Seven parents of band students were in attendance. Some exciting things are developing from that night. Tim provided an outline for the meeting and planted some seeds, asking for parents to get involved in helping the band program. He told us of some really neat plans, outlined the changes that are coming, and gave us an optimistic outlook for the future of the Band program.  He assured us that he needs our help to make the program everything it can be for the good of the students.  The attendees all had good ideas and positive input.  

The result was a boost of momentum for rebuilding the McGregor Bands Booster Club.  And best of all the consensus was that the parents are behind Tim Grace and want to back him in his plans for the future of the Band program. 

The discussions went 2 hours long. A motion was made and approved that the booster club is back. Right now it is made up of those who were at the meeting.  But, the attendees are pumped about growth and getting things rolling. Several people left the meeting with a list of action items.  It seems we are off to a wonderful start. 

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